TV Sets: Fantasy Blueprints of Classic TV Homes
This book of architectural blueprints is a loving, if obsessive, tribute to the minutiae of televised domestic life. Author Mark Bennett"s excrutiatingly detailed plans span 25 years of television history, from Tiger"s doghouse on The Brady Bunch to The Addams Family"s entire manor, including Lurch"s harpsichord, Gomez"s train set, and Uncle Fester"s laboratory. Also included are Laverne and Shirley"s bachelorette pad, The Jetson"s space unit, and Archie and Edith Bunker"s Queens row house. Incredibly, all the plans are drawn to be architecturally feasible; that is, one could actually build from them. To accomplish this feat, the author often had to imagine rooms and areas not shown on the television programs, but only referred to, like Ward Cleaver"s den or Ralph and Alice Kramden"s bedroom. Included are detailed renderings not only of the characters" homes, but their entire towns, such as the whole of Mayberry and a complete layout of Gilligan"s Island.