Star Wars: Crimson Empire II - Council of Blood
Preis 18.62 USD
With this series, we get the further adventures of Imperial Guard Kir Kanos, one of the Emperor"s personal protectors, who garnered mere seconds of screen time in Return of The Jedi--ample proof of the astounding depth the expanded universe of Star Wars regularly explores. Following the death of Emperor Palpatine, a plot by Kanos" fellow Guard Carnor Jax to become a Dark Lord of the Sith was foiled when he was killed by Kanos. Now, an interim council runs the affairs of the Empire, with each member trying to consolidate their own power base. Kanos views them all as traitors to the Emperor, and vows to destroy them. When the council members become assassination targets, Kanos becomes the prime suspect in a web of intrigue and treachery. Kanos is certainly prominent in Star Wars" rapidly expanding ranks of complex characters. His devout and unwavering loyalty to the Empire is well portrayed, but Kanos is certainly not an Evil character. Like Mara Jade, Kanos must find a new purpose now the Empire is embroiled in a massive power struggle. Paul Gulacy (Batman: Prey) makes the most of the vivid settings and atmosphere, mixing intrigue and action efficiently. If you are an ardent fan of Luke and co., you will not find them anywhere here, as this series makes the bold step of eschewing all the more familiar elements of Star Wars. That said, X-Wings, Tie Fighters, Droids, Stormtroopers and all manner of aliens appear in abundance and if you fancy delving into the outer reaches of the Star Wars universe, this will be more than satisfying. --Danny Graydon