You Can Teach Yourself Harmonica

Preis 17.93 - 20.29 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780786667840

Media Type : Book+DVDLevel : BeginningMusical Genre : All StylesSeries : You Can Teach YourselfNumber of pages : 136A wonderful, easy-to-understand beginning harmonica book for learning both folk and blues harmonica stylings. Several different styles are analyzed and representative tunes are given in each style. Within the various sections the songs are roughly graded as to difficulty. An extra section examines some specialized techniques and introduces some harmonicas other than the standard ten-hole-twenty-reed diatonic harp, in the key of C for which most of the songs in this book are written. All together, 41 harmonica arrangements are included. This package includes the companion DVD video, in which Phil Duncan demonstrates many of the techniques and songs from the book.