Coloretto Kororetto Japanese version (japan import)
Joker and you can use the color card of seven colors, as well as color card of any color card is "+2" card. And the Mountain on the table a number of players split card, I lie down together all the cards. Suppose you want when it becomes your turn, you can either turn the card at the top of the mountain face down, or take one column the cards on the table. When you flip through the top of the card mountain face down, and place side by side with the table column card either. However, it is not possible any column also line up more than 4 cards in addition to the column card. In other words I do not put it any longer column three cards are lined up. Three cards when lined up in columns of all, you can not choose this action. If you take one column of cards on the table, taking the card all of the columns that you leave the column card, In A Row Up to three, to exit from the game once. You can not put the side card in a column that was taken. All players if you take one column, I will re-start the game. Conducted several rounds this card mountain face down when you no longer are scoring. Card taken must be scoring all. Of the card of 7 colors, three colors can be calculated as a plus point, but it is a minus point 4 and subsequent colors. Card of each color, the more at an accelerated pace one point if one, three points if two pieces, and 6 points if three. In other words, is to a high score and has a lot of the same color. If you have little by little the color a lot and vice versa, is not only become low score for each color, but you have to minus point all four subsequent colors. It is a thing you want to collect the cards of the same color as much as possible.