Everyday Linux

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 76092009375, 9780130917621

Everyday Linux suffers a bit because it doesn"t seem to have identified a clear target audience. The book itself does a great job of explaining how to install Red Hat Linux--and how to do other key initial configuration tasks such as setting up a modem and connecting to a local area network (LAN)--clearly and in terms understandable to pretty much anyone. It even deftly introduces Linux novices to the command line, where cryptic key sequences can confuse even the most avid power user. After that, though, it falls into a protracted (nearly half the book) discussion of how to use productivity applications (specifically, the components of StarOffice, WordPerfect, and some miscellaneous programs). This applications coverage is too basic, and probably will seem silly to people brave enough to experiment with Linux. The screen shots that back up that coverage are also simply too big. That said, this book may earn some fans through its installation and set-up coverage alone. The writing style is easy to follow and often bright with humor, and the authors make it clear that using Linux is fun. They also nudge readers toward Web sites and other aspects of the remarkably active community of Linux users. --David Wall Topics covered: The fundamentals of setting up Red Hat Linux 6.2 and using it for general home and office productivity purposes.