
Preis 15.39 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780756966263

In L.S. Matthews"s inspiring story of altruism and human resilience, a young (presumably British) child of undetermined gender flees with Mum and Dad, a guide, a donkey, and a rescued fish when war comes to the desolate, desperate village where his/her parents are aid workers. Fish tracks the family"s harrowing journey to a safe boundary, a trek with dangerous challenges that force the youngster, nicknamed Tiger, to rapidly evolve beyond the "silly little child" Tiger felt he/she was. Readers will find parallels between Tiger protecting the rescued fish; the gentle, intuitive guide looking out for Tiger"s family; and the parents risking their safety for the impoverished villagers. Tiger"s first-person narrative is often amusing and genuinely childlike, keeping the episodic story buoyant despite the harsh realities of fleeing on foot through an inhospitable landscape. When Tiger"s feet are rubbed raw and bloody from walking, he/she observes, "I was pleased that the damage was so impressive. You know how much something can hurt, but there"s nothing to show for it, sometimes." The fact that the specific war-torn country is not named creates several awkward moments ("...we didn"t come from the country we were living in now"). Otherwise, Fish, Matthew’s first book, is the riveting survival story and thoughtful coming-of-age tale of the brave, likeable Tiger, who proves to be as tough as his/her name. (Ages 9 and older) --Karin Snelson