Victory Thunder, Ring Out. Songs and marches of the Russian Imperial Army

Preis 17.80 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 889254342148


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Label(s): IMLab Year of release: 2002 Conductor: Igor Ushakov Band: Valaam Breathren Choir, Male Choir of the Valaam Institute for Choral Art 1. The Tale of Ilya from Murom / Bylina ob Il"e Muromtse 2. Black Clouds Gathered / Sobiralasya tucha chernaya 3. The legend of Prophet Oleg / Pesn" o vecshem Olege 4. The battle of Poltava (1709) / Poltavskij boj (1709) 5. Thunder of Victory, Ring out! / Grom pobedy, razdavajsya! 6. Two giants / Dva velikana 7. Borodino / Borodino 8. Great Remembrance / Velikaya pominka 9. Funeral March for Bagration / Traurnyj marsh o Bagratione 10. Funeral March for Kulnev / Traurnyj marsh o Kul"neve 11. The Ravaged Road / Razorennaya dorozhka 12. You Heroes, Fame"s Dreadful Sons! / Geroi, grozny chada slavy! 13. On the defence of Akhtinsk Redoub /Zacshita Akhtinskogo ukrepleniya 14. Hey You, guys, go home! / Nu, rebyata, marsh domoj! 15. Dragoons" Squadron Marching / Eskadron dragun idet 16. God is with us, guys! / S nami Bog, ura rebyata! 17. Returning from Chechnya, not from parades / Vozvracshalsya ne s parada, iz chechenskogo otryada 18. Brothers, Let"s sing about victories! / Spoemte, brattsy, pro pobedy! 19. Nightingale, Nightingale, Little Bird! / Solovej, solovej, ptashechka 20. Our weapons glisten in the Sun / Oruzhiem na solntse sverkaya 21. Cadets, close ranks in friendship! / Druzhnym, kadety, stroem somknites" 22. Let"s Join the Pavel"s Regiment in fighting / Pod znamya Pavlovtsev my druzhno pospeshim 23. Foam, Goblet of Health! / Da vskipit fial zazdravnyj! 24. May you Live for many years, orthodox Russian Tsar! / Mnogie leta, Russkij Tsar"! 25. Hey, Slavs! / Gej, slavyane! Muzhskoj khor Instituta pevcheskoj kul"tury "Valaam" Dirizher Igor" Ushakov The Male Choir of the "Valaam" Institute for Choral Art Conductor Igor Ushakov