Photoshop CS2 Artistry, w. CD-ROM: Mastering the Digital Image (Voices)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 752064713746, 9780735713741

Marke New Riders

There"s no question that Adobe"s Creative Suite includes many new, "must have" features and it"s no wonder that Haynes and Crumpler begin this latest addition to the excellent Photoshop Artistry series with an excited testimony to converting to Mac OS X in order to take advantage of these new goodies. Among the new topics covered in this book: the Camera Raw filter (which processes the Raw data from your digital camera, giving greater detail), support for16-bit mode, the new Layer Comp palette, Shadow/Highlight adjustment, and Color Match tool, improved templates for web galleries and contact sheets, and using the Epson print dialog boxes in the OS X environment. This series is aimed at professionals who work with digital photographs and graphics, especially those with significant experience in both traditional photography and using Photoshop. The book is set up the same as in earlier editions and with some of the same exercises, now updated to reflect the changes in CS. After an opening section on basics like tools, palettes, actions, and layers, the book discusses more advanced topics in digital imaging, like applying the Zone System, made popular by Ansel Adams, to Photoshop and mastering calibration, color spaces, scanning, resolutions, and histograms (using the new dynamic histogram palette). In hands-on tutorials, readers learn how to use layers and adjustment layers; selections, channels, and layers for compositing; histograms, levels, curves, and Hue/Saturation for color correction; advanced techniques for correcting a bad scan; how to turn yellow flowers orange with Color Range, Replace Color, and Selective Color tools or turn a red car green with Color Match; how to work with duotones; techniques in retouching and restoring; how to combine bracketed captures to increase dynamic range; and much more. Throughout, the book features text-heavy explanations accompanied by lots of illustrations and screenshots. It"s the sort of image-laden book where you can learn so much just by reading the sidebars. An extensive index makes it ideal for troubleshooting. The sample photographs included on the CD-ROM are excellent quality and well chosen to match situations that occur in professional jobs. This book is rich in information. If you"re a professional photographer or Photoshop power-user, this book and Adobe Photoshop CS are now essential to your studio. --Angelynn Grant