The Detox Cook: Over 100 Blissful Detoxing Recipes

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781856264044

Marke Kyle Cathie

Low energy levels, spotty skin and dull hair, constant colds and flu are, according to the authors of The Detox Cookbook, a sign that the body has accumulated more toxins than its natural processes can cope with. It"s time to detox. But not any normal detox. Concerned that too many people approach a period of cleansing in a spirit of mortification, they are at pains to provide food that is a positive pleasure to eat--food that is a friend rather than an enemy. Moreover, since they derive their theoretical position from Chinese traditional medicine and its concept of Yin and Yang, the food must be right for the body type: warming foods for cold Yin bodies, cooling food for hot Yang types. The recipes are certainly appealing. Steamed Citrus Mussels, Roast Pumpkin Stuffed with Mushroom and Garlic, and Peach and Mango Crumble feature among the warming recipes; neutral dishes include Spiced Gazpacho, Asparagus, Smoked Salmon and Dill Salad and Apple and Cinnamon Cake; while seekers after cool can try Chilled Asparagus and Lemon Soup, Marinated Grilled Vegetables and Poached Pears with Honey and Pistachios. Practically every recipe is prefaced by assertions about the nutritional or medicinal qualities of the ingredients. Readers whose belief in the Chinese system is less firm than the authors" may find themselves in some doubt over these. "Cultures that use chilli in their diets have a low incidence of respiratory problems." (Is this true? Where does this information come from?) "Fresh beans are useful for treating the symptoms of diabetes." (Meaning what, exactly?) "Chestnuts promote reproductive capacity and protect against premature ageing." (Says who?) But one need not take issue with any alleged therapeutic qualities. It"s surely enough that the recipes are fresh, light and delicious, and would make purification a positive pleasure. --Robin Davidson