Steel City Outbreak

Preis 16.95 - 24.82 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781448976799

Marke SELF

Inspired by George A. Romero, The A[aåÂADemon ZombieA[aåÂA Matt Demas is bringing you an immaculate name for zombie horror. Early in 2003 Matt Demas began writing this zombie magnum opus. Approaching 10 years, as a final point, it was released into the market. You may have seen it previous to 2009, but now Steel City Outbreak is more superior than ever before. This is the next generation in the genre of zombies. Despite the work of Romero in 1968 to 2007 with his A[aåÂAOf the DeadA[aåÂA series. Matt Demas wants and believes to persevere the zombie horror to the present existence and carry a new level of horror. You are seeing it on paper, but letA[aåÂa[s take our productive minds and bring this horrific work of fiction to the screensA[aåÂA]guaranteeing this to be a remarkable film.