Windows Nt 4 Workstation Unleashed

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780672309724

While not exactly a technical reference, this book provides enough technical information to enable you to solve all but the hairiest of problems. It also walks you through just about everything that has to do with making a Windows NT Workstation 4.0 do what you want it to. Windows NT 4 Workstation Unleashed opens with a guide to surveying a computer prior to Windows NT Workstation 4.0 installation. It takes you through the installation process, and then explains in useful but not oppressive detail how to use each of the Control Panel tools. An Advanced System Configuration chapter covers installation and adjustment of modems, video cards, SCSI devices, and the like. You"ll also find competent coverage of connecting an NT Workstation system to a network, either with a direct LAN hookup or via a dial-up connection. Several chapters describe special considerations of those planning to use Windows NT Workstation 4.0 for software development (including the Win32 API and SDK) and graphics (including OpenGL). The book concludes with a basic troubleshooting guide and a look at possible successors to Windows NT Workstation 4.0. The bundled CD-ROM suffers from a seriously clunky interface but holds some goodies including Executive Software"s wonderful Diskeeper Lite disk defragmenter.