Mind Trek: Exploring Consciousness, Time, and Space Through Remote Viewing

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781878901729

From one of the actual participants in the U.S. government"s remote-viewing program comes the definitive work on remote viewing. Avoiding the snare of becoming a neo-Nostradamian prophecy, Mind Trek is a nuts-and-bolts approach to an ability that Joseph McMoneagle considers to be inherent in all human beings. There are no CIA secrets revealed in Mind Trek, but it does disclose the laboratory methods employed during U.S. government research into the field, stressing protocols that insure the veracity of results. The case it makes for the reality of remote viewing is strong. Without falling into the doomsday-prophecy trap, McMoneagle takes a step beyond the laboratory and what viewers can find over the physical horizon, exploring the implications of this ability that allows us to see to the farthest distances, even across time into our past and our future. --Brian Patterson