The Names of Comedy

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780198117933

1990 X, 221, (9) Seiten. Gr. 8° (22,5 -25 cm). Orig.-Leinenband mit silbergeprägtem Rückentitel und Orig.-Schutzumschlag. [Hardcover / fest gebunden]. Mit Schutzumschlag Auszug aus dem Klappentext: "Unlike tragic dramatists, who have usually inherited their characters" names from history or myth, comic writers are name-givers. They have always confronted a fundamental choice, whether to give "speaking" names, expressing the nature of the characters, or "accidental" ones: a debate formalized in Plato"s dialogue Cratylus, and continuing today. This book takes the Cratylus as its starting point. It examines the way individual dramatists and varieties of comedy are drawn either towards the position of Plato"s Hermogenes, who believes that names are arbitrary impositons, or towards the essentialist view held by Cratylus himself. The book argues that although the bias of comedy is inherently cratylic, it is a bias perpetually being modified and corrected by the rival approach to naming. [...]" - Titelblatt mit Stempel. - Insgesamt sauberes und sehr gutes Exemplar. - Stamp on titlepage. - Very good copy.