Q"s Guide to the Continuum (Star Trek)

Even die-hard fans of Star Trek get a little tired of the standard, oh-so-proper Federation lingo. Perhaps what they need is a walk on the Q side of the continuum and some lighthearted tidbits of Star Trek trivia. Our thoughtful host, Q, has put together a list of some of his favorite things--from the galaxy"s most painful rite of passage (the Klingons", of course) to the best way to blow up a Federation starship, to the most time spent in a transporter (Scotty, who logged in 75 years of loop time). Trek fans will enjoy the random sampling of photos from all four ST incarnations: the original series, TNG, DS9, and Voyager. Q, ever disdainful of the human race, gets several (dozen) pokes in at characters we"ve come to know and love or hate--as well as a few you"ve probably never heard of. If you"re tickled pink by Q"s sense of humor, you"ll enjoy this little book.