The Complete Astrological Handbook for the Twenty-First Century: Understanding and Combining the Wisdom of Chinese, Tibetan, Vedic, Arabian, Juda ic, and Western Astrology
Astrologer Anistatia Miller"s textbook, subtitled "Understanding and Combining the Wisdom of Chinese, Tibetan, Vedic, Arabian, Judaic, and Western Astrology," is the first to cover and interrelate the six major world astrological systems. Eminently scholarly though necessarily cryptic, The Complete Astrological Handbook for the 21st Century remains accessible for the beginning student of astrology. The weighty instruction manual launches with an historical introduction to the concept of astrology and then explains the beginnings of the various systems. Its purpose is to offer the serious student all of the information needed to forecast in each system. Chock-full of charts, graphs, processes, and examples, it may be just what the title claims. In an era of disappearing national boundaries, the unification of discrete systems of astrology is an idea whose time has certainly come. --P. Randall Cohan