School of Mandolin: Irish Mandolin
Preis 16.19 - 16.91 USD
Inhalt: -Bantry Bay -Boys of the Town -Cooley"s -Denis Murphy"s -Denis O"Keeffe"s -Father Kelly"s -I Have a Bonnet -Jig Scale Exercise -Lady Anne Montgomery -Miss Monaghan -Oh Nelly, Nelly -Ornamentation and Melodic Variation -Out on the Ocean -Saddle the Pony -The Bird in the Bush -The Boys of Bluehill -The Drunken Landlady -The Geese in the Bog -The Humours of Glendart -The Keel Row -The Maid Behind the Bar -The Merry Blacksmith -The Pipe on the Hob -The Silver Spear -The Stack of Barley -The Star Above the Garter -The Wise Maid -Tobin"s Favourite