New Worlds in Old Books

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781585740017

New Worlds in Old Books is about the adventure of a lifetime--how two young women from New York introduced whole new worlds of collecting to the antiquarian book field. This work is based on the authors" experience and holdings for over a half-century and offers a fresh and unique insight in collecting. New Worlds reflects their fascination and reveals the astonishing fact that many early volumes foreshadowed the technology, medicine, sciences, political philosophy and social practices of today. From blood transfusion to world federation, feminist militancy to the free press, these very contemporary issues can all be found in the volumes of earlier centuries.In New Worlds in Old Books we discover old titles that have eye-witness accounts of great events, problems of minorities, Satanic demonology, the lure of first editions, and unusual ownerships. New Worlds is an interesting read for any book-lover. The new worlds it unveils will inspire readers to be avid explorers of the wealth of knowledge to be found in the world of antiquarian books.