NFL 2k Football

Preis 0.03 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 10086510034

Sega"s new NFL 2K is the type of game that makes a very, very good first impression. For starters, this is without a doubt the best-looking sport video game ever produced on any platform--hands down. Not only are the players more detailed and lifelike than in any other game we"ve seen, but they move fluidly and with such an impressive array of animations that it"s sometimes hard to forget you"re playing a game and not just watching one on TV. You can even see the breath of each player during cold-weather games--we"re talking graphical realism here, make no mistake. But NFL 2K goes way beyond skin-deep. This is an excellent football game, with gameplay that"s easy to pick up at novice level but hard to master as you increase the level of difficulty. The game"s controls are the most intuitive of any we"ve seen, and the playcalling interface is simply the best that anyone has ever come up with for a football title. And just when you think it can"t get any better, you discover features like the full-league fantasy draft, a tutorial mode, extensive game and season statistics, and excellent play and player creation options. Put simply, this game makes every other football game on every other platform look dated. Even the play-by-play and color commentary are better and more fluid than any we"ve seen elsewhere. If you have even a passing interest in football and are planning to pick up a Sega Dreamcast console, you owe it to yourself to get this game as well. It is the new standard by which all future football--and sports--games will be judged. --Michael Ryan