In the Kuban - Kuban Cossack Chorus / Tam na Kubani - Kubanskij kazachij khor
Preis 17.80 USD
1. In the Kuban / Tam na Kubani 2. Oh, Eagle-Owl sat on the Grove / Oj, siv pugach na mogylu 3. Oh,there in the garden / Oj, tam u sadu 4. The Kuban flows / Teche Kuban" 5. Green Forest / Gaj zelenen"kij 6. Oh, Moroz, Morozenko / Oj, Moroze, Morozen"ko 7. Sleep, Taras, Dear Father / Spy, Tarase, bat"ko ridnyj 8. Guilder Rose Has Bent Its Branches / Kalyna-malyna verkhy pokhylyla 9. Farewell, Stanitsa, farewell, The Caucasus / Procshaj, stanytsya, procshaj, Kavkaz 10. How I served at landowners / Yak sluzhyv ya v pana 11. Cossacks went home from the Don / Ikhaly kazaky iz Donu do domu 12. Oh, Baida is drinking / Oj, p"e Bajda 13. I loved Petrus / Polyubyla Petrusya 14. Unharness The Horses, guys / Rospryagajte, khloptsi konej 15. You, Kuban, are our Motherland / Ty, Kuban", ty, nasha Rodina.