About Death: Living Wills and Advance Decisions in the UK

Preis 10.00 - 10.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780956494917

Marke Mospeate

About Death: Living Wills and Advance Decisions in the UK This book will help if.... ...you have seen a relative or friend die in distressing medical circumstances from an illness, an injury or simply from old age in a way that you don"t want to happen to you. ...you would like to help your family or friends at the time of your death to make the arrangements you want for palliative care to relieve pain and other distressing symptoms. ...you want to find out about how the NHS can make it easier for people to have palliative care at home or in care homes in the community where they live. ...you want to know how a "Do Not Attempt to Resuscitate" agreement works. ...you want to write an Advance Decision to come into ef...