Girl Reporter Blows Lid Off Town (Get Real (Pb))

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780060282455

When 11-year-old Casey Smith discovers there"s no newspaper at Trumbull Middle School, she"s stunned. All her life she"s been waiting for the opportunity to shine as a journalist. She has a folder full of stories ready to go, including "The Presidency: Let a Woman Do It," "Beauty Pageants: Pretty? Says Who?" and "Something Fishy: Is Our River Sick?" Fortunately, she has the brilliant idea to revive the defunct Real News. Unfortunately, Megan O"Connor--pink, preppy, and perky--has the same idea, except with more fluff. The two butt heads from the start, as they battle over the editorship of the paper and the content of the first edition. Along the way, Casey scoops her competitors and creates some real news herself! Remarkably self-assured and talented, as well as wildly shy and sometimes annoying, Casey is a character every girl--and boy--will want to know. She"s passionate and flawed, a spectacular role model for any preteen. Award-winning Linda Ellerbee, popular host of Nickelodeon"s Nick News, has begun what promises to be a terrific series with Girl Reporter Blows Lid Off Town. Look for all her Get Real titles for more about the lively, intelligent, and oh-so-real exploits of Casey Smith, girl reporter. (Ages 8 to 12) --Emilie Coulter