
Preis 65.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780691030067

Modernes Antiquariat. - Afgahnistan. Dupree, Louis. Afghanistan. Priceton, New Jersey. Princeton University Press. 1973. 24 x 16,5 cm. XXIV; 760 P. Original board with gilt back. Cover and back cover lightly shop-soiled and also minimal blotchy. Inside the back cover minimal blotchy. Pages permannent minimal bronzy. On the book end paper with a small pencil notice. With full page black/white illustrations and also some maps and sometimes double page charts. With 15 maps. ISBN: 0-691-03006-5. Adapted from the Introduction: The insolence of the Afghan, however, is not the frustrated insolence of urbanized, dehumanized man in western society, but insolence without arrogance, the insolence of harsh freedoms set against a backdropof rough mountains and deserts, the insolence of equality felt and practiced (with n occasional touch of superiority), the insolence of bravery past and bravery anticipated. The name of Afgahnistan simply means Land of the Afgahn. Some non-Afgahns profes, at least half-jokingly, to belive that Afghan may have derived from the Persian word afghan (spelled the same as Afghan ), defined as nois, groaning, or wailing indicative of the way many Iranians have always felt about their linguistic nd cultural cousins to the east.