The Magic Tapestry: A Chinese Folktale

Preis 17.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780805028102

In this retelling of a traditional Chinese folktale, an impoverished widow with an extraordinary talent for weaving works day and night for three years to finish her most beautiful tapestry to date. Her two older sons, tired of her preoccupation with weaving, begin quarreling and lose faith in their mother. Only her youngest son understands her need, and he alone continues working to support his family. When the tapestry is finally complete, it seems to breathe with life, "Flowers shimmered with threads of brilliant sunlight and little animals danced magically throughout the woven pattern." While the two older sons argue about who will sell this work of art, a great wind blows it out the door and into the eastern sky. Each son in turn, from oldest to youngest, is sent out to find the tapestry and bring it home. The two older sons take the easy way out and accept a bribe of valuable jewels, then flee to the city, never to be seen again. As the youngest son sets out he promises to return with the tapestry. When he meets the Fierce Guardian, he bravely faces the challenges--the Mountain of Fire and the Sea of Ice--and upon reaching his destination he finds beautiful fairy princesses weaving copies of his mother"s prized possession. The illustrations, set against a stark white background and trimmed in gold, are reminiscent of traditional Chinese art. Demi"s research into Chinese fabrics and the looms on which they are woven lends an air of authenticity to this lovely tale of family loyalty and, in the end, youthful romance.