Five Stages of the Soul: For Everyone Who Has Ever Asked, is This it?

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780712663564

Marke Rider & Co

The quintessential baby-boom seeker of spiritual fulfillment, Harry Moody came of age in the late "60s, began his search for deeper meaning, gradually assimilated into professional life, married, and became "normal." The only difference is that Moody never stopped searching, and The Five Stages of the Soul is the culmination of his efforts. Everyone, especially in the middle years, he says, takes an interest in the spiritual life, and more or less goes through five stages of development: the call, the search, the struggle, the breakthrough, the return. In a colorful array of stories from contemporary America and legends and myths from religious traditions around the world, Moody unveils the varieties of spiritual paths and the common threads that bind them all together. As a mirror of our own search, The Five Stages of the Soul is as useful as it is informative.