The Promise
A scintillating sequel to The Passion, Donna Boyd continues to weave the erotic and deeply intriguing tale of the Devoncroix dynasty. In Boyd"s 1990s modern world, werewolves have lived peacefully (and covertly) amongst humans for thousands of years, and with their superior instinct and intelligence, they have ruled over an ignorant human race. (If you"re a fan of Anne Rice"s vampires, you"ll love Boyd"s sensuous werewolves). In The Promise, one of the most influential pack leaders, Alexander Devoncroix, has been murdered. His controversial son, Nicholas, has new plans. Nicholas believes that the werewolves" tie to humans degrades their species, contaminating them like poison. He wants werewolves to part from humans and to form separate factions--an edict opposed by his late father. However, on a flight into the north of Alaska, his helicopter is downed by an undetected bomb. He crashes in the same area where Hannah Braselton North has chosen to live. She has abandoned civilization to spend her life living in the wild. She finds Nicholas in werewolf form, burned and maimed, and nurses him back to health. Amid the wreckage she also finds a book of memoirs, and it"s through this book that the history of the Devoncroix family is revealed and Nicholas"s plans put in jeopardy. Complete with wolves howling at a full moon and passionate interludes between human and wolf, no werewolf lover should miss this extraordinary tale. --Samantha Allen Storey