
Preis 10.91 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780753808276

Marke Phoenix

Not too many novels can lay claim to a men"s restroom as their primary setting, but in the case of Warwick Collins"s novel, Gents, a lavatory is an educational place. The hero of this slim volume is Ez Murphy, a Jamaican immigrant to London who finds work cleaning a public restroom. He soon becomes wise to the ways of a certain faction of the world--those who have romantic rendezvous in the toilet stalls. Ez might be naive, but he"s not close-minded; when he discovers that his own son prefers hair-styling to soccer, he decides to investigate this alternative lifestyle before making up his mind. Like Ez himself, Gents is charming, honest, and willing to explore different points of view about homosexuality with compassion and humor.