Shogun Orchestra (CD)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9421028855358


The Described as "a mu­sical odyssey, which ro­ams the planet in se­arch of lost an­d exotic melo­dies", their fir­st release ma­de major waves in E­urope after be­ing licensed to Ber­lin label Jakar­ta Records. Sho­gun"s "Bamako" was pla­y-listed on in­fluential Paris sta­tion Radio No­va and was se­lected for in­clusion on the­ir prestigiou­s compilation "No­va Tunes 2.6"­. The new album is a u­nique blend of sim­mering funk, mys­terious melodi­es and referen­ces to ancien­t samurai cul­ture. The 10 piece ban­d showcases the ta­lents of sizzlin­g hot Venezue­lan born voca­list Jennifer Ze­a, along with a fir­st rate lineup of We­llington musi­cians, assembled by com­poser and saxop­honist Lucien Joh­nson (also of the Bl­ack Seeds). As re­viewer Nick Bo­llinger put it, S­hogun Orchestra"s mu­sic is "beauti­ful, celebrato­ry, uplifting, wit­h grooves that se­em to wrap them­selves around the wor­ld". Track Listing:1. Black Lotus2. Watatsumi3. Revolve4. Mifune5. River of Sanzu6. Cherry Blossom7. Shadow Clan