Magician Lecture Video 1) daily necessities hen hand of Spirit Momose God [DVD] (japan import)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 4988004762970

Daily necessities magic, ESP Magic difficulty: requires a little practice Beginner ~ !! [Features] genre magic in what is around us. The bending spoon often seen on TV, etc., magician of the hand of God "Spirit Momose" nurses are explained carefully, the magic you can do in what is around us, including and through the rubber band. Coin (1) to coin-through from handkerchief spoon bending spoon bill from Tissue Nuke as through-disposable chopsticks revival handkerchief printing and handkerchief (2) business card [intermediate] rubber band from the beginner] handkerchief bottom (1) and (2) wand spin-spin Vanish-cup through [senior] Cup & Ball