Storytelling for Grantseekers: The Guide to Creative Nonprofit Fundraising (Jossey-Bass Nonprofit and Public Management Series)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 7890787956309, 9780787956301


Grantwriters, it turns out, have plenty in common with fiction and nonfiction storytellers. Like these other writers, says Cheryl A. Clarke in Storytelling for Grantseekers, grantseekers need to "transport readers to another location and teach them about people they may know nothing about." Grantwriting is often a tedious experience. Make it creative, says Clarke. To better capture the imagination (and wallet) of your audience, observe your agency in action as would a reporter, then craft what you see into a narrative as would a novelist. Your nonprofit agency is your hero; your story is about "people being helped, and their lives possibly being changed forever" because of the services provided by your agency. This is a passionate, clear, knowledgeable guidebook, sure to "put the joy and creativity back into the grantseeking process." With additional chapters on finding and cultivating appropriate grantmakers, forming a budget, and packaging your proposal. --Jane Steinberg