Amazing Grace (Dual Language)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781845074142

Grace rightly thinks she can be anything or anyone she wants to be: Joan of Arc, Hiawatha, Helen of Troy, Mowgli from The Jungle Book... and Peter Pan in the school play. But when her classmates tell her she can"t play Peter Pan because she"s a girl, and because she"s black, Grace gets downhearted. When Grace"s grandmother proves, through a positive black role model, that Grace really can be anyone she wants to be, Grace believes in herself once more--just in time for the auditions. Amazing Grace is a modern tale of hopes, aspirations and role models, that is pitched perfectly for the very young reader. Simple language describes an everyday situation that transforms Grace into an extraordinary girl. A wonderful, hopeful, and yet realistic, story for today"s children. --Lucie Naylor Teacher Review Children need to read at home every day to practise the reading skills that they have been taught. Here are some tips to help make Amazing Grace part of your child"s reading routine: choose a time when you and your child both want to read, sit somewhere comfortable and quiet. before you begin to read, get a "feel" for the book by looking at the cover, front and back and talking about it. let your child hold the book and turn the pages. Look at the pictures. look for the little details--they help the child to understand what the book is about. let your child "read" the book to you by talking about each picture. read the book again and again if you both enjoy it. If used to support learning at home, Amazing Grace can help young readers achieve the targets for Key Stage One English: Reading. (Ages 5 to 9 years) --Amanda York