Alexander Glazunov - Anthology of Russian Symphony Music / Anthology of Russian Symphony Music - Evgeny Svetlanov (Vol. 3) (6 CD Set) (CD)
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CD 1 Raymonda - Ballet in Three Actes, Op. 57Libretto by Lydia Pashkova and Marius PetipaAct IFirst Tableau1. Introduction2. Scene 1: Pages are exercising at arms;others are playing the lute and the viols3. The deceived. Some girls leave their work and got to dance woth the pages4. Scene 2: Entrance of the ladies of honour5. Repeat of the dance6. Mime scene7. The countess" story8. Dances9. Scene 310. Scene 4: Entrance of Raymonda11. Scene 5: Mime scene12. Scene 6: Entrance of the vassals and peassants13. Grand Waltz14. "Pizzicato" (Pas de Raymonda)15. Repaet of the waltz16. Mime scene17. Prelude and the Romanesca18. Prelude and variation19. Mime scene20. Scene 7: Appearance of the White ladySecond Tableau21. Entr"acte22. Scene 8: Fantasy scene 23. Trird Tableau (Raymonda"s dream)24. Grand Adagio25. Fantasy waltz26. Variation I27. Variation II28. Variation III29. Coda30. Scene 931. Mime Scene32. Scene 1033. Round of will-o"-wisps and elves34. Scene 11: Day breaks35. Scene 12: The women and pages appearon the terrace and seeing their mistreee lying unconsciousCD 2Act II1. Entr"acte2. Scene 1:March3. Scene 2: Entrance of Abderahman4. Grand pas d"action. Grand Adagio5. Variation I (for a female dance)6. Variation II (for a female dance)7. Variation III (for a male dance) 8. Variation IV (for Raymonda)9. Grande Coda10. Mime scene11. Entrance of the jugglers12. Dance of the Arab boys13. Entrance of the Saracens..........etc.