The Chocolate War: Englische Lektüre für die Oberstufe
Preis 12.71 USD
Does Jerry Renault dare to disturb the universe? You wouldn"t think that his refusal to sell chocolates during his school"s fundraiser would create such a stir, but it does; it"s as if the whole school comes apart at the seams. To some, Jerry is a hero, but to others, he becomes a scapegoat--a target for their pent-up hatred. And Jerry? He"s just trying to stand up for what he believes, but perhaps there is no way for him to escape becoming a pawn in this game of control; students are pitted against other students, fighting for honor--or are they fighting for their lives? In 1974, author Robert Cormier dared to disturb our universe when this book was first published. And now, with a new introduction by the celebrated author, The Chocolate War stands ready to shock a new group of teen readers.