Proletarians of the North: A History of Mexican Industrial Workers in Detroit and the Midwest, 1917-1933 (Latinos in American Society & Culture)

Preis 31.46 - 32.75 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780520219625

Between the end of World War I and the Great Depression, over 58,000 Mexicans journeyed to the American Midwest in search of employment. Many found work in agriculture, but thousands more joined the growing ranks of the industrial proletariat. Throughout the northern Midwest, and especially in Detroit, Mexican workers entered steel mills, packing houses and auto plants, becoming part of the modern American working class. Zaragosa Vargas" work focuses on this little-known feature in the history of Chicanos and American labour. In relating the experiences of Mexicans in workplace and neighbourhood, and in showing the roles of Mexican women, the Catholic Church and labour unions, this study provides insights into immigrant urban life.