Max"s Toys

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780385409346

Max is an irresistibly cute but persistent little bunny who wants what he wants when he wants it--any parent with an active toddler will relate. And like most little kids, Max thinks the grass is always greener on the other side; to be more precise, he"s sure the toy someone else is playing with is much more interesting. Max"s interaction du jour is with his older sister, Ruby, who has a particularly attractive doll. Of course, Max wants that doll and will go to any lengths to get it. Who do you think will win this one? A funny tale of how children give and take in play, Max"s Toys doubles as a first counting book: the doll is the one thing Ruby won"t part with, and all Max has to barter is a house with two chimneys, three soldiers, four bears, and so on. Measuring 7 inches square, this colorful, sturdy board book is easy for small children to handle. Rosemary Wells"s delightful Max books are virtually guaranteed to please the little Max in your life. (Baby to preschool) --Marianne Painter