Kato 5127-1 Passenger Car Oha 35 Brown (japan import)
Okha 35 system, is one of the passenger format to represent the National Railways of pre-war mass-produced more than 2,000 both really. I have appeared in the structure that used many rooms window fold wife Dome, one meter wide, TR23 truck form, the welding on (1939) 1939. Active range widely, from train express train to, I was able to see the train schedule active in the country. became nostalgic coloring in reproduction now faithfully like the old form passenger car, the style and chunky intensive rivet, beautifully reproduced brown wooden door with the image of the original form vehicle standard paint color of Railways former general form passenger . Blue adopts the shape of the metal door with a rubber H-update image of vehicle. (Ohafu 33, Suhani 32) in brake van, standard lighting ceremony tail light (off switch) all vehicle Arnold coupler standard