Operation Brogue
(This book examines some recent events in the political life of Charles J. Haughey and questions the role played by the British Secret Service in a campaign of denigration against him believed to have been given the code-name OPERATION BROGUE. _ It looks at the reasons why the British would want to destroy Mr Haughey in the context of their military needs to extend their strategic influence throughout the Republic. _ It explores the danger posed to these British strategic interests by Mr Haughey and his unwillingness to allow the Republic to be exploited by outside interests or to be made subservient to them. _ It outlines a number of standard techniques used by the British to mould people of standing and influence to their way of thinking. _ It considers how far the media gave a one-sided account of events to the detriment of Mr Haughey and suggests a lot of pertinent questions which they should have asked but did not)