Giperboloid inzhenera Garina (The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin) (RUSCICO) - russische Originalfassung [Гиперболоид инженера Гарина]
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Yevgeny Yevstigneyev ("Old Men-Robbers"), Mikhail Astangov ("Suvorov"), Vladimir Druzhnikov ("The Ballad of Siberia"), Mikhail Kuznetsov ("Mashenka") in a screen version of one of the most mysterious novels by the genre"s classic Alexei Tolstoy. One of the box-office leaders - 20.8 million viewersThe year is 1925. Professor Mantsev invents a weapon of a formidable destructive force never seen before - a hyperboloid that strikes dead with a beam. Engineer Garin steals this prototype of the modern laser gun, with the aim to use it for the realization of his insane idea of become the ruler of the world, with no inkling of the consequences that would be dangerous for him, too. A hunt for Garin and Mantsev"s dangerous invention begins...Awards:* IFF of Fantasy Films in Trieste (Italy) - Top Prize "Golden Seal of the City of Trieste", 1966Special features:* Interview with cinematographer A. Rybin* Textual materialabout author A. Tolstoy* Photo album "Ii memory of Ye. Yevstigneyev"* Filmographies* Photo album* Coming soon on DVD---RUSS---1925 god. Professor Mantsev izobretaet oruzhie nebyvaloy razrushitelnoy sily - giperboloid, nanosyashchiy strashnye udary luchom.. Inzhener Garin kradet etot prototip sovremennoy lazernoy pushki i reshaet ispolzovat dlya bezumnoy idei - stat pravitelem mira, ne dogadyvayas, chto posledstviya budut opasnymi i dlya nego samogo. Za Garinym i opasnym izobreteniem Mantseva nachinaetsya nastoyashchaya ohota...Nagrady:* Glavnaya premiya «Zolotaya medal goroda Triesta» na MKF fantasticheskih filmov v Trieste (Italiya), 1966Odin iz liderov prokata - 20, 8 mln. zriteleyBonus - trek:* Intervyu s operatorom A. Rybinym* Tekstovyy material o pisatele A. Tolstom* Fotoalbom «Pamyati E. Evstigneeva»* Filmografii* Fotoalbom* Smotrite na DVD