The Feng Shui House Book: A New Approach to Interior Design
Combining aesthetics, philosophy, and practicality, feng shui seeks to help us order our homes, and by extension our lives. Extensively explored in this very attractive book, these principles hold that the organization of our everyday environment has a powerful effect on our physical and emotional well-being, and that by changing our homes we can transform our lives. Rearranging the home"s contents helps to focus the chi (movement of energy) to overcome the negative forces at work in certain spaces. Various colors, shapes, sounds, and the use of water and plants are also important considerations. Some of the tenets are commonly known practicalities (painting a bedroom deep blue is more restful than vivid red; reducing chaos on the shelves and in the closets removes confusion from your life), while others are more philosophical (avoid positioning a bed or desk directly beneath a beam, which interrupts the flow of energy over your head and may therefore interfere with rest or with concentration). Very well explained and more lavishly illustrated than many other books on this popular subject, this volume teaches how to utilize these ideas in your own home. It may even, in the words of the book, help you "revive a flagging relationship, boost your career, improve your health and enrich fading fortunes." --Amy Handy