The Quotable Soldier (The quotable series)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781585740277

As the old saying goes, "War is hell." But it"s much more than that, as The Quotable Soldier reveals. This collection of quotations about war and soldiering is organized loosely by theme: "The Call to Battle," "Under Fire," "At Ease," "The Fallen," and so on. The comments date from ancient times to Desert Storm. They come from historic battlefields, including Thermopylae, Bunker Hill, Waterloo, the Somme, Iwo Jima, and Chosin Reservoir; and they were made by such famous battle-tested figures as Sun Tzu, Philip of Macedon, Clara Barton, Robert E. Lee, Winston Churchill, and Norman Schwarzkopf, among many others. Some were selected for their inspirational quality (Garibaldi"s "Let him who loves his country with his heart, and not merely with his lips, follow me"); others for their irony ("They couldn"t hit an elephant at this distance"--Union Major General John Sedgwick, just moments before a Confederate sharpshooter"s bullet struck him under the left eye, killing him instantly); and still others for their gritty accounts of what it was like to be under fire. Perfect for browsing, The Quotable Soldier is a great little book for fans of military history. --M. Stein