The Trouble With a Hot Summer: A Simona Griffo Mystery

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780060176624

Simona Griffo--the Italian-born, New York-based food and murder expert--is worried about losing her soft creative job at her ad agency, of being pushed upstairs with "the Living Dead, account executives who get to work at 8 a.m. in ironed suits and crisp hair, trailing antiseptic deodorant smells. I thrive in the late-starting, garlic-breath, T-shirt-and-jeans department." She certainly does. Simona"s latest misadventure takes her cooking and crime-solving skills into the world of high fashion, where one of Griffo"s clients is in danger of losing her company and her freedom. As usual, there"s a great-looking recipe at the end of the book--this time for something called Shmatta Pasta, which I"m making tonight. Past Griffo gourmandizings in paperback include The Trouble With Going Home, The Trouble with Thin Ice, and The Trouble With a Hot Summer.