The Cathedral of Christ the Savior

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 889254305051

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The Choir of the Monastery of the Holy Trinity and St. Sergius and the Moscow Theological Academy and Seminary. Precentor Archimandrite Matthew (Mormyl). The Choir of the Novo-Golutvin Convent of the Holy Trinity. Precentor Hegumenia Xenia (Zaitseva). The Choir of the Christ the Savior Church. Precentor Nikolai Georgievsky. August 19, 2000 1. From the Rising of the Sun to its Setting... 2. Hymn to the Mother of God for the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord 3. Ton Despotin... 4. To Mount Sion... 5. May Thy Soul Rejoice in the Lord... 6. Ton Despotin... 7. The Prayer: O Lord and God, Our Savior... 8. Psalm 144: I Will Extol Thee, My God, O King...... 9. The Prayer With Bended Knee: O God Without Beginning and Forever Existing... 10. The Prayer at the Blessing of the Water and Wine: O Lord Our God. Who Didst Santify the Streams of the Jordan... 11. Psalm 83 How Amiable are Thy Tabernacles, O Lord of Hosts! 12. Alleluia 13. Psalm 132 Behold, How Good and How Pleasant It Is 14. Psalm 131 Lord, Remember David and All His Afflictions... 15. Psalm 92 The Lord Reigneth 16. Psalm 25 Jundge Me O Lord: for I Have Walked In Mine Integrity... 17. Psalm 22 The Lord is My Sheperd: I Shall Not Want... 18. The Prayer: O Lord of Heaven and Earth... The Prayer: We Thank Thee, O Lord God of Hosts... 19. Troparion to All the Saints, Tone 4. In All the World with the Blood of Thy Martyrs... 20. The Trisagion 21. The Prayer: O Lord Our God, Faithful in Thy Words... The Prayer: O Lord Our God, Through the Prayers of Our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God... 22. Troparion, Tone 3 23. The Prayer: O Lord Our God, Who Hast Bestowed Upon the Holy Martyrs Which Suffered for Thy Sake This Glory... The Prayer: O Lord Our God, Who by Thy Word alone Didst Bring Into Existence Creation... 24. Let Us Pray to the Lord, Let Us All Say... 25. The Dismissal. the Prayer of His Holiness the Patriarch Before the Divine Liturgy.