Army Men Official Strategies & Secrets: Official Strategies & Secrets
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3DO"s surprisingly addictive game brings to life your favorite little green plastic toys--along with their archenemies, the Tans. This well-written guide to the game starts off with an explanation of the keyboard controls, which is helpful because they can be awkward and tough to master. The game"s cheat codes are also listed right up in the front of the book. Basic command options are explained so you can take full advantage of paratroop drops, reconnaissance, and air strikes. The author lists the characteristics of each available weapon in a series of brief tables and describes vehicles, such as the tank, and the strategies for handling them in detail. The book also walks you through each of the 28 missions, offering plenty of illustrative screen shots and some nicely detailed maps. More maps are included in the multiplayer section of the book, along with some helpful advice for taking on human opponents. --Michael Ryan