CompTIA A+ Certification Study Guide (Exams 220-801 & 220-80

Preis 34.28 - 50.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780071795807

This classroom-proven study guide is updated for the new 2012 CompTIA A+ exams and recognized as CompTIA Approved Quality Content. CompTIA A+ Certification Study Guide, Eighth Edition offers 100% coverage of the objectives for Exams 220-801 and 220-802, woven into an integrated study system based on proven pedagogy. Series features reinforce and teach practical skills: step-by-step exercises; exam watch, inside the exam, and on-the-job elements; and chapter self-tests. The self-tests include knowledge- and performance-based questions, which are new to the CompTIA A+ exams for 2012. The CD-ROM includes four complete practice exams, two for each exam, that mirror the actual exams in content, format, and difficulty, as well as video training from the authors, and a segment of Mike Meyers" online multimedia training. Complete coverage of Exams 220-801 and 220-802: Operational procedures; Operating system fundamentals; Personal computer components-motherboards and processors; Personal computer components- storage, memory, and adapters; Power supplies, cooling systems, and peripherals; The custom PC; Installing and upgrading PC components; Installing and configuring laptops; Installing, configuring, and upgrading Windows; Disk and file management; Troubleshooting, repair and maintenance of PCs; Troubleshooting and preventive maintenance for laptops; Troubleshooting and preventive maintenance for Windows; Network basics; Installing a small office/home office (SOHO) network; Troubleshooting networks; Computer security fundamentals; Implementing and troubleshooting security; Configuring networking for Windows clients; Windows client virtualization; Supporting mobile devices; Using and supporting printers