Top Rail Rubber for Craps Table (By the Foot)

Preis 22.87 - 48.29 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 13031001762

Marke Brybelly

Hersteller Mapsco, Inc.

If you are building a craps table, or need to make repairs to an existing one, our green top rail rubber is the perfect solution. Sold by the foot up to 50 feet in continuous length, the rubber measures 3 3/8 inches tall from the flat back side. It is used to line the inside top portion of a craps table. In terms of table size, casinos typically decide what size they want, so there is no set "standard size" table. However, tables measuring 12 and 14 feet are most common. If you were building a 12 foot craps table, you would need to purchase 19 feet of rubber. Similarly, a 14 foot craps table would need 22 feet of rubber to complete. Craps tables at casinos can be crowded and noisy, but if you love playing the game without the commotion, having a table for home games can be a great option. Our top-quality rail rubber is a great, affordable addition to any table.