The 24 Hour Business Plan

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780712677790

Business Planning can be a real headache for first-time writers. What should you include? How do you gather all the information? And, perhaps most importantly, how can you ensure that your financial forecasts are as accurate as you can make them? In this guide, Ron Johnson reveals all. While its title might imply that you can get a good business plan together in a weekend, this is not, by any means, a "quick-fix" book, and Johnson does not offer shortcuts or easy options. His emphasis is on research, preparation and careful construction of the plan and successive chapters walk you through the stages in logical sequence. Example business-plan pages, tables for you to complete, check lists and a myriad of questions will help you get your thoughts in order, while the surrounding text explains what you should be doing, and why, at every turn. The book is very easy to read. Johnson explains jargon and "business-speak" using an informal, almost chatty, style. There are plenty of examples of how you might go about things depending on the nature of your new business, and pointers towards good practice. Questions pop up almost relentlessly, helping to ensure that you really have thought everything through. To round things off, the final chapter of the book is an outline business plan which you can fill in to make your own.--Sandra Vogel