In the Garden of Desire
Popular books on women"s sexual fantasies tend to deliver soft core thrills and tips for a more fulfilling sex life, but disappoint readers hoping for outrageous abandon. Though well-crafted and often erotically charged, In the Garden of Desire is no exception, although it does offer insight into how fantasies evolve and how our sexuality is shaped by early experiences, whether pleasurable, disapproving, or abusive. It reminds us, too, that sex is, like humor, a matter of personal taste. Elaborate scenarios that electrify some of us--from sex-play with a true-hearted, sure-handed lover to nipple clamps--leave others shrugging. Sex therapist Wendy Maltz and journalist Suzie Boss commendably avoid reducing fantasies to typically simplistic categories, noting that this strips them of the very plot build-up and sensuality that turn many women on. The authors are sanguine about disturbing or violent desires, merely commenting that "fantasies work best for us when they feel optional." To that end, they suggest ways to rewrite unpleasantly obsessive or personally oppressive scripts without completely extinguishing their fire. --Francesca Coltrera