The Millionaire in You: Ten Things You Need to Do Now to Have Money and the Time to Enjoy It

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780609610060

Who wants to be a millionaire? Virtually everyone, if that traditional mark of wealth actually represents what we truly need for financial freedom. Michael LeBoeuf"s The Millionaire in You outlines a three-pronged plan for amassing and retaining those necessary resources by expressly defining where we want to go and consciously striving to get there. LeBoeuf, a former business professor who retired at 47, has also written several books on working smarter and more creatively. Here he turns some of those principles into suggestions for avoiding the "time/money trap" that often keeps us tied to financially limiting employment, and initiating habits that instead allow us to do what we really want. The foundation is simple ("invest your time actively and your money passively"), as are recommendations to put accumulated savings exclusively into no-fee, lower-risk index funds that match individual asset allocations. The core, however, involves 10 strategic choices for really making those dreams come true. Among them: set goals for career, family, relationships, etc.; improve odds with smart life choices; maximize savings by minimizing expenses; build personal market value; and take advantage of windfalls. LeBoeuf concludes with ways to sustain financial independence and enjoy it more by maintaining physical and mental health and giving back to the community. --Howard Rothman