Cats As Cats Can

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781570981609

It"s true, the world is divided between those who love cats and those who hate them. The former group can add Cats As Cats Can by prolific cartoonist, author, and illustrator Tomí Ungerer to the top of their feline-loving list of books. Cats As Cats Can is a collection of Ungerer"s sketches, paintings, and cartoons, all in full color--it"s 144 pages of pure cat. Pieces range from the silly to the surprised, from abstract strokes of ink to collages with postage stamps and envelopes. The excerpt from his 1983 Far Out Isn"t Far Enough, a remembrance of his two beloved Burmese cats, is a fitting end to this lovely book. Ungerer writes, "cats are one of my favorite subjects. At rest or in motion, these languorous, slinky, sinuous and sensuous, wily and selfish creates have been a constant source of inspiration throughout my life."