Die Hälfte Kleid Sporran White Rabbit 3 Tassel Schwarz Flap mit Bright Stud Kreis
Preis 89.01 USD
Half Dress Sporran White Rabbit 3 Tassel Black Flap with Bright Stud Circle * Half Dress or Day Sporran 7 x 8 inches * Ornate studded embossed flap in Grained Leather * Faced in Soft White Rabbit Fur * 3 Fur Tassels with chromed caps and chains * Finest Traditional Materials and Craftsmanship If the occasion demands a Kilt, the kilt demands a Sporran. A Day Sporran is ideal for less formal occasions or for those who wear the kilt as regular daily attire. Sporran is the Scots Celtic word for purse, so its use with a pocketless kilt is essential. The elements of Highland Wear may have originated several centuries ago, but we all have to live in the 21st century. Where else do you keep your phone, your cash and cards and your car keys, while valiantly attempting a Strathspey at a Ceilidh or a Wedding? A Sporran also makes a great gift for someone who is proud of their Scottish connections.