Dargomyzhsky - Russalka - Fedoseyev (2 CD Set) (CD)
Alexander Dargomyzhsky(1813-1869)Russalka (The Mermaid)CD 11. OvertureThe First ActPart 12. No. 1 Aria (Melnik) "Oh, to-to zhe vi devki molodie"3. No. 2 Recitative (Natasha) "Tchu! Ya slyshy topot ego konya..." Terzet (Natasha, Melnik, Knyaz) "Ah, proshlo to vremiya, vremiya zolotoe..."4. No. 3 Chorus "Ah ty, sierdze moyo sierdze, retivoe..."5. No 4. Recitative and duet (Knyaz, Natasha) "Ah, ne po priezhnemu meneya ty lyubish!"6. No. 5 Recitative (Melnik) "Chto za tchudnaya poviyazka..." Duet (Natasha, Melnik) "VIdish li, Knyaziya na volny..."7. No. 6 Finale "Ty Slyshish? Narod idyot syuda..."The Second ActPart 28. No. 7 Chorus "Kak vo gornitze - svetlitze"9. No. 8 Aria - duet (Knyaginya, Knyaz) "Podrugi detstva, podrugi svietlih dnei..."10. No. 9 Recitative and Chorus "Da zdravstvuyet nash Knyaz mladoi..."11. No. 10 Slavonic DanceCD 21. No. 11 Gipsy dance2. "Tchto zh, krasniye devitzi, viy primolkli..."The Third actPart 3Scene 13. No. 13 Introduction Recitative and aria (Knyaginya) "Tchu! Kazhetsya, trubyat!"4. No. 14 Recitative and song (Olga) "Knyaginya bednaya!"Scene 25. No. 15 Chorus of the Mermaid"s "Svobodnoi tolpoyu, s glubokogo dna..."6. No. 16 Recitative (Knyaz) "Nevolno k etim grustnim beregam..."7. No. 17 Duet with chorus (Knyaz, Melnik) "Chto eto znatchit?"The Fourth ActPart 4Scene 18. No. 19 Dance"s of the Mermaid"s Recitative (Mermaid) "Ostav"te pryazhu sestry..." Aria (Mermaid) "Ty nezhnee k nemu prilaskaisya, moi drug..."Scene 29. No. 20 Finale